Virtus requirements
The Diocese of El Paso uses the Virtus program to educate our parents, students, staff and volunteers on Safe Environments for our community.
We are required to train the student body every year. We require an Opt-Out/Permission form signed for every student stating your authorization for us to train or not train your child/children. AT LEAST ONE PARENT FROM EACH FAMILY NEEDS TO SEE THE ANNUAL PARENT TRAINING PRIOR TO US TRAINING YOUR STUDENT. Please check your email for dates and times for these trainings. We use the email you have provided on RenWeb and the Virtus website. Please make sure we have your current email.
To be a Room Parent, Lunchroom volunteer, assist with Trunk or Treat activities, Christmas Posada activities, Wellness Friday, Book Fair volunteers and working with the student body in anyway, you need to be trained and cleared through the Virtus program.
Virtus requirements:
Complete online registration including a background check and a 3 hour, in person, training provided by the school. (If you have completed these requirements at a location other than St. Matthew Catholic School you just need to add St. Matthew Catholic School to your Virtus account as a location where you volunteer.)
First time registration instructions:
Go to
Select First Time Registrant
Select the El Paso Diocese
When selecting the location you will volunteer and take the training MAKE SURE you select St. Matthew Catholic School not St. Matthew. St. Matthew is the parish and we cannot see your information if you select St. Matthew.
Select the Virtus training offered by St. Matthew Catholic School.
There is a $10 fee payable by check or cash for the training. This fee may be paid in the office or at the time of training.
Please be on time. Once the Video portion of the training starts we cannot let anyone join the training.
No Children please.
Once you have completed the 3 hour in person training, the background check and have been approved by the Diocese you may volunteer. Each year you will receive an email with an online training notification from Virtus. To keep your account active you need to complete the online training within 2 weeks.
If your account becomes Inactive, we need to contact the Diocese to reactivate your account. This may take several days, so, you should not wait until the night before an event to make sure your account is up-to-date.
Contact Mrs. Portillo with any questions. 915-581-8801 or [email protected]